Monday: evening reception in the GCW Library @ 7pm

If you’re travelling up to Lincoln today (Monday 7th March) and would like to come and meet up with some fellow mashlibbers, we’re holding a pre-Pancakes and Mash drinks reception in the GCW University Library from 7.00pm tonight.

The GCW Library is on Brayford Wharf East

The GCW in on Brayford Wharf East, very near the city centre. Directions from Lincoln Central railway station to the University campus are on the Mashed Library wiki: it’s only a short walk from the station to the GCW Library.

If you have any problems finding us, please ring 01522 886222

When you get to the Library, ring the doorbell (to the right of the turnstiles), and we’ll let you in.

View Larger Map

And, whether you’re coming to Lincoln today or tomorrow, good luck with your journey!

And now, a word from our sponsor…

Pancakes and Mash might not be happening if it hadn’t been for the generosity of our sponsor, RLUK: Research Libraries UK.

RLUK logo

A note from Mike Mertens, Deputy Executive Director of RLUK:

Why is RLUK interested in Mashed Libraries?

RLUK, established nearly 30 years ago, originally came into being through the desire to share data between its members. This meant greater efficiency for individual libraries, better exposure of collections, and the provision of new services, to students, staff and researchers. The experience of amassing and making available data tells us that it generates novel ideas and fresh views around what libraries can and should do for their patrons. Time marches on, and so does technology – but the fundamental principle remains the same: how can we best share our expertise and data to improve our users’ potential to create and access knowledge? Mashed Libraries does exactly that, which is why RLUK is happy to lend its support.

The programme (as it stands)

I still wouldn’t rule out the possibility of last-minute changes, but here’s the programme for Pancakes and Mash as things stand!

Monday 7 March

19.00 Drinks reception: introduction by Ian Snowley, University of Lincoln GCW University Library

Tuesday 8 March

10.00 Coffee & Registration EMMTEC Foyer
10.30 Welcome & Keynote: Gary Green, Surrey County Council: “Loud Library Voices: Campaigning, The Web, Journalists & The Offline World” AR1201, Architecture Building
11.30 Coffee & Cake EMMTEC Foyer
12.00 Mash Time!
Brayford (MT205), EMMTEC: “We Can Haz Ur Data!?” with Alex Bilbie & Nick Jackson, University of Lincoln
Carholme (MT207), EMMTEC: “Using Web2.0 tools to save libraries” with Gary Green, Surrey County Council
Guildhall (MT208), EMMTEC: “Metadata Forum: building a community around metadata” with Stephanie Taylor, UKOLN
Flexible areas across campus
13.00 Lunch & Pancakes The Atrium, Main Admin Building
14.00 Mash Time!
Brayford (MT205), EMMTEC: “Mash at lunchtime” with Alison McNab, De Montfort University / “Across the divide: how geeks and non geeks can have meaningful conversations with each other, and how we’re all the same, really” with Stephanie Taylor, UKOLN
Carholme (MT207), EMMTEC: Open mashup challenge!
Guildhall (MT208), EMMTEC: Open mashup challenge!
Flexible areas across campus
16.00 Tea & Thanks EMMTEC Foyer
16.30 Close