We’re indebted to our sponsor, RLUK: Research Libraries UK.
Here’s who’s coming to Pancakes and Mash:
(There’s a Twitter list of attendees who tweet, and a Google Map showing how far people have to travel!)
View Pancakes and Mash in a larger map
- Michael Archer, AZ Library Manager, AstraZeneca
- Simon Ball, Senior Advisor, JISC TechDis / EIFL [@simonjball]
- Abigail Barker, E-Resources Librarian, University Campus Suffolk [@abbybarker]
- Alison Barlow, Information Librarian, Nottinghamshire County Council [@alisonmbarlow]
- Julian Beckton, Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator, University of Lincoln [@julianbeckton/blog]
- Kevin Best, Collections Officer, Lincolnshire County Council
- Alex Bilbie, Online Services Developer, University of Lincoln [@alexbilbie/blog]
- Karen Blakeman, RBA Information Services [@karenblakeman/blog]
- James Booth, Customer Services Assistant, Leeds University Library
- John Bottomley, Library Graduate Trainee, Leeds Metropolitan University
- Edmund Chamberlain, Systems Development Librarian, Cambridge University Library [@edchamberlain]
- Mike Chambers, Research and Development Manager, 2CQR Limited
- Julian Cheal, Systems Developer, UKOLN [@juliancheal]
- Kevin Cooper, Academic Subject Librarian, University of Lincoln
- Andrew Cox, Lecturer, University of Sheffield
- Richard Cross, e-Services Manager (RDS), Nottingham Trent University [@llrrichardcross/blog]
- Anna Dimoula, Student in MA Librarianship, University of Sheffield
- James Docherty, student, University of Lincoln [@jamesdoc/blog]
- Ben Elwell, Web Jedi, University of Wolverhampton [@benelwell]
- Jenny Evans, Maths and Physics Librarian, Imperial College London [@jennye/blog]
- Katie Fraser, Information Librarian, University of Leicester [@katie_fraser/blog]
- Imrana Ghumra, Local Services Liaison Manager, London Health Libraries
- Sunil Goria, Assistant Librarian, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, India [@sunilgoria]
- Iain Gray, Web Services Team Leader, University of Greenwich [@gi06]
- Gary Green, Technical Librarian, Surrey County Council [@ggnewed/blog]
- Amy Guy, President of the UK Computing Society, University of Lincoln
- Jane Helgesen, Information Skills Librarian, University of East Anglia [@janehelgesen]
- Ianthe Hind, Developer, University of Edinburgh [@ianthe88]
- Catherine Hodgkinson, Knowledge Co-ordinator, UK Commission for Employment and Skills
- Nick Jackson, Online Services Developer, University of Lincoln [@jacksonj04/blog]
- Gaz Johnson, Document Supply & Repository Manager, University of Leicester [@llordllama/blog1/blog2]
- Beverley Jones, Cataloguer etc., University of Lincoln [@bevvybevvy]
- Chris Langham, Deputy System Librarian, Birmingham City University [@chrislangham2]
- Chris Leach, Systems Librarian, University of Lincoln [@chrisl1953]
- Elaine Lewis, Library Services Manager, University of Birmingham
- Kate Lomax, eLearning Coordinator, London Health Libraries [@katelomax/blog]
- Liz Mayne, post-graduate student, Loughborough University
- Alison McNab, Academic Team Manager, De Montfort University [@AlisonMcNab]
- Thomas Meehan, Head of Current Cataloguing, University College London Library [@orangeaurochs/blog]
- Mike Mertens, Deputy Executive Director, RLUK [@RLUK_Mike]
- Deborah Morris, Library Systems Developer, Leeds Metropolitan University [@DebbieMN]
- Will Newman, Reader/Audience Development Officer, Derbyshire County Council [@willgnew]
- Marie Nicholson, Academic Subject Librarian, University of Lincoln
- Ben O’Steen, Geek, Cottage Labs [@benosteen/blog]
- Mike Pollitt, Information Librarian, Nottinghamshire County Council
- Emma Sansby, Head of Library Services, Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln [@SibthorpLibrary/blog]
- Graham Seaman, Library Systems Officer, Royal Holloway [@navtis]
- Nick Sheppard, Repository Developer, Leeds Metropolitan University [@mrnick/blog]
- Rosaline Smith, Research Institutional Repository Officer, University of Lincoln
- Ian Snowley, University Librarian, University of Lincoln
- Paul Stainthorp, Electronic Resources Librarian, University of Lincoln [@pstainthorp/blog]
- Stephanie Taylor, Research Officer, UKOLN [@CriticalSteph/blog]
- Elif Varol, Library (E-resources) Assistant, University of Lincoln [@evarol]
- Barbara von Bulow, Video Librarian, CNN
- Claire Wadsworth, Learning Support Librarian, Nottinghamshire County Council
- Chris Watchous, Account Services Manager, EBSCO Information Services
- Jude Wilson, Library Manager (Waterloo) and Acquisitions Librarian, BPP University College of Professional Studies
- Joss Winn, Technology Officer, University of Lincoln [blog]
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There’s a growing list of delegates, drawn from a range of academic, public and commercial libraries at skor oyun
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There’s a growing list of delegates, drawn from a range of academic, public and commercial libraries at irc hosting
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Keynote slides and notes: Loud Library Voices agario
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Mashed Library wiki Metin2 Pvp Serverler
[…] event really takes DMU’s lunchtime session to the next level, and is an opportunity to meet people working on mashups in a safe, friendly, helpful […]
[…] There’s a growing list of delegates, drawn from a range of academic, public and commercial libraries at http://mashlib.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/who/ […]